Category: Uncategorized

  • How to Resolve Disputes Without Getting Angry or Going to Court

    If you want to resolve disputes without getting angry or going to court, read on for some tips. Disputes can be difficult to manage and can often result in negative consequences if mishandled. However, by following these tips, you can resolve disagreements amicably and without any damage done. Learn to communicate calmly and effectively When…

  • The One Simple Trick To Making Any Agreement Truly Acceptable

    If you’re looking for an easy way to make any agreement acceptable, you need to try the “yes, and” strategy. This simple technique allows both parties to agree to something without actually having to come up with a concrete plan or solution. The “yes, and” strategy can help make any agreement acceptable. The “yes, and”…

  • “How Mediation Can Help You Resolve Difficult Family Issues”

    Breaking down family disputes can be incredibly difficult, but mediation can help make the process easier. What is mediation? Mediation is a process that helps families resolve difficult issues. It is a helpful way to find a resolution without having to go to court or have a physical confrontation. mediation is a way to try…

  • The Truth About Keeping a Broken Relationship From Destroying You

    If you’re struggling to keep a broken relationship from destroying you, there are a lot of myths out there about how to do it. But the truth is that it’s really up to you. Here are four steps you can take to get your relationship back on track: Recognize when a relationship is broken. When…

  • Why Not Hire an External Consultant to Help with Your Project?

    If you’re struggling to manage a project on your own, it might be a good idea to consider hiring an external consultant. But before doing so, there are a few things to consider. Here are four tips for choosing the right consultant for your project: Pros and Cons of Hiring an External Consultant When it…

  • Divorce mediation: How it can help you rebuild your life

    Divorce mediation is a process that can help you resolve your disputes amicably. It is becoming increasingly popular, and can help you rebuild your life after a divorce. What is divorce mediation? Mediation is a process that helps couples resolve their disputes. It is different from traditional litigation, in that it does not involve court…

  • “The Consequences of Drug Spills”

    Drug spills are a problem that often go unnoticed and unaddressed. Drug spills can have serious public health consequences, as well as economic implications. This article will discuss the consequences of drug spills, both in the short and long run. Public health implications of drug spills The public health impacts of drug spills can be…

  • 3 Ways to Infuse Mediation into the Workplace of Jewish Family Services

    Jewish Family Services is looking for ways to increase the mediation services they provide to their clients. They’ve identified three main ways to do this: by increasing the number of mediators, training staff on mediation, and working with other agencies to increase mediation availability. Introduction Mediation has been seen by many as a way to…

  • How to Fix a Broken Relationship

    If you are in a relationship that is struggling, there are a few things you can do to fix it. First, try communicating with your partner. If you can’t seem to get through to them, try communicating in a different way, like through writing. If that doesn’t work, you can try seeking professional help. How…

  • “What Retirement Looks Like After 50 Years: A Ongoing Saga”

    When Thelma and Lou retired, they never could have imagined the adventures that awaited them. Over the past 50 years, their retirement has included everything from traveling the world to spending lazy days on the beach. In this article, they share their thoughts on what retirement looks like and how it has evolved over time.…